Islam is being forced on us.

Every advert I see on social media is about Islam.

White kids are being encouraged to join in with the fasting.

Why can't people see what is going on?

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King Charles should NOT be pandering to Islam. He is a bloody fool

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I really enjoyed your video, Darren. It was refreshing to hear someone so down to earth. As a Reform member, I will certainly support your application as an MP, Darren.

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Genocide is being committed in the UK against the white indigenous population. Genocide is the intentional destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group (in whole OR IN PART). It is a CRIME under international law. We have certainly met this criteria in the UK. We are currently in a very ugly genocide and ethnic cleansing from all our major cities, who are rapidly losing their indigenous people, and being completely replaced with foreign people of no shared history, culture or behaviours.

The term ‘British’, applied to people of African or Pakistani decent is an insult to Welsh, Northern Irish, Scottish and English who make up indigenous British, the word British should only be associated with White English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh citizens.

As a people’s we have been cast aside by the rich elites and turned overnight into silenced, submissive group of 2nd class citizens, paying for our own destruction through the taxation system, while our country is pulled from beneath us and transformed into a bastardised mixed race society with no heraldic claim to the nation. Islam will end up being an dark oppressive dominate force. There is a sinister agenda at play with the volume of people allowed to settle here in parallel communities, working hard to undo our history, heritage and culture in its entirety. Legal proceeding need to be brought against the government for genocide in the hope that what is happening can be stopped and reversed.

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Your comment about a "bastardised mixed race" society is disgusting. Wake up to the fact that many indigenous hate this country and the working class, and the fact that many mixed race and non mixed race immigrants are standing up. I have not reported you because i believe in free speech and debate between adults.

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The fact that you say " you have not reported him" says it all to me about the type of person you are.

Reported him to who? If you did report him,what would you want to happen to him? Or more like what would you like to happen to him?? Do you actually think you live in 1930's Germany ??.

You are the problem with this country now. Hurty words ... get a life!

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Sorry but there is a report button for offensive things. I have never used it. I am wholly against the woke notion which eliminated free speech which i was clear on. So why are you going on about hurty words and i'm the problem. To talk of mixed race as bastardised is white supremacist language which means don't mix races, don't have mixed marriages. If you can't see that, then that's your call. I find it disgusting, you do not. It was Hitler who famously promoted a pure Aryan- white race, remember. The rest of his post is fair. Mass immigration without consent not all making a contribution or integrating. I get that. Indigenous will be an ethnic minority by 2041, i agree that's wrong. But white supremacist language also wrong. Simple. I love this country and i hate what's happened to it so no i'm not part of the problem.

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This is you at your best. Just chattering away from your heart. So much better than the filtered you on GB News. Good luck in your new adventure x

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Are you going to stand as an MP or remain as a journalist?

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I can’t force them to let me stand. But I would.

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Shall I write to them to suggest it?? I have a posse of sassy, septuagenarian friends with children close to your age who have left the Tory party that deserted them! I know they’d happily add their names. I love Reform as a party as it’s breaking down class barriers. I am meeting more and members, from aristocrats, the middle classes to the all essential plumbers, electricians, taxi drivers,

farm workers and even Ocado drivers. Everybody wants to talk about politics as they are so horrified - and frightened for the future as a result - at what successive mainstream governments have done to our precious country! And act as if they’ve had nothing to do with it!

Go for it, Darren!

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right. I AM going to - tomorrow! I’ll let you know Reform’s reply!! 🙏🏼

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Great video Darren, well done & looking forward to the next one. 👍

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Such respect for you Darren. Love your honesty. Enjoyed Saturday night but won't bother with it now. Cannot stand the idiots they have on GB News, why do we have to listen to them? I pause and fast forward. Other channels don't have to show 'balance'. You should stand as an MP. You would be fabulous. We need integrity, you have bucketloads.

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Hi Darren, I’m catching up with your live broadcast in the wee small hours. I have been enthralled, you are the most common sense voice and a beacon of light in this mad world. I’m a Geordie lass originally, born in Newcastle, lived in Jarrow. My mam’s side of the family are Stanley where my grandmother and grandfather ran the Stanley Arms. My grandmother was from Tanfield Lea. My dad’s family from Whickham. I live in Notts now. Lee Anderson is my MP. I’ll email Lee and tell him to get you sorted for standing as an MP. I wish you every success, you are great. You’ve done the right thing. 😊

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They won't allow anyone who has expressed support for TR, that is my fear. They shoved out Howard Cox.

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I feel Zelensky doesn’t want peace whereas Trump being in Ukraine during its rebuilding would be a deterrent to Putin invading and stepping into various countries

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It does seem rather strange that Trump talks as if Ukraine invaded Russia and bombed their towns and cities. Are they making concessions of any kind? I get the feeling Putin is dictating the terms.

A really good podcast listen is Ukraine Today which is presented by two formed British soldiers who fought alongside American soldiers in Iraq - one an historian - who have been on the ground in Ukraine since the start of the war. They have thousands of American listeners too, including some connected with the White House, and though great fans of America are beginning to be concerned about the bias. Francis and Don give a fascinating intellectual insight into what is happening, but accessible to all of us. It is good to remember that Elon Musk never wears suits in the Oval Office, Zelensky spoke without an interpreter when English is his third language - big mistake - he had just stepped off a plane after a long flight and had endured three years of war. He really did not need the press there either. It was a hideous way to discuss something so crucial - our country would never have done it. All Putin needs to do is get his troops out. Think how much is at stake for Ukraine. At least the debacle introduced the Europeans to reality! They’ve been appalling, ignoring various American Presidents’ demands for them to contribute more! Thousands of incidents of cruelty, gang rape and torture by the Russian soldiers have been submitted to The Hague as war crimes. Donald Trump could at least ask Putin to return all the Ukrainian children removed from their families and marched out of Russian held areas to be integrated into Russian families. There HAS to be an end to this terrible war asap but not on Russian terms alone!

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Darren you are courageous and inspirational. I hope you succeed as an MP in Reform, stick up for your beliefs, stand up for the left behind working class, and for this country as a whole. God Bless You.

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Why dont you put yourself up as a Reform candidate. We (Great Britain) need young people like you to represent us in Parliament.

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Can’t wait for your next it’s frustrating when er really don’t have a voice when you think the king the pm all of them are tied to the Muslim faith what chance do we have

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The situation isn’t helped by the appallingly woke Church of England. Sadly, no one if defending our faith!

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Calvin Robinson, Gavin Ashenden, get your bum into Church and make a stand, it can turn around, from within.

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Absolutely - Calvin was wonderful on GBN. I miss him! He was thoughtful and erudite - treating us as an adult congregation rather than a bunch of uninterested children!

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Well they both believe in Christ and the Gospels.

Tommy Robinson has just posted a clip of WIndsor Castle with the muslim call the prayer. I am truly shocked at what the King is doing. This is not interfaith, there is no reciprocity at all. Have a look.

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Well done, Darren. You are brave to set off on your own. You will be such a help to the people of the North - and to thoughtful people in other parts of the country. (I'm in mid Devon !)

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Mark Steyn has his own website. I started watching him on GB News and was blown away. He really went for it but boy has he suffered with his health. Definitely has taken its toll but he pushed on the Covid jab injuries and the rape gangs. I have followed him ever since and listen to his weekly podcast on Steynonline.

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Really enjoyed last night. Thanks Darren for taking your bold move away from GB news, I really hope it works out for you. Keep up the good work in speaking up for the many if us who think the same way as you. I for one, feel helpless with what is happening in our country and it helps to know there are others feeling the same 👍

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